Endlich das lange Haar bekommen, von dem Sie träumen!
Our serum has been specially designed to help women with natural hair to have longer hair in a very short time.
Monthly Subscription
Club Amyla is a monthly subscription, cancellable at any time. For only $19.90 instead of $24.90 receive a new hair growth serum or a new hair growth spray, every month. It's 20% OFF compared to the usual price ! Each month, a new hair growth serum delivered directly to your home. You can find more details HERE.
Coconut oil : Nourishes and moisturizes in depth, soothes scalp irritations.
Carrot oil : Rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, managed frizz and defines curls.
Argan oil vitamine : Repairs damaged hair. Stimulates growth and prevents hair loss.
Macadamia nut oil : Restarts and revitalizes dry, fine or damaged hair by creating a protection.
Jojoba oil : Moisturizes and soothes the scalp, preventing hair loss.
Tea tree oil : Allows to purify, stimulate and tone the scalp.
Almond oil : Promotes hair growth, gives shine, manageability and softness.
Vitamin E : Antioxidant, repairs and stimulates hair growth.
Biotin : It naturally stimulates hair growth. It makes your hair stronger, shiny and slows down hair loss.
Organic peppermint : Antibacterial and soothing for the scalp. Stimulates hair growth.
Hair type
Recommanded for all hair types (1A to 4C). Can be used on natural hair and relaxed hair.
Each bottle are 30ml (1oz)
Tierversuche :
Offiziell PETA-geprüft: Wir machen keine Tierversuche.
Warum ist Amyla Cosmetics anders?
Als Frau wissen wir, wie enttäuschend es ist, nicht die gewünschten Ergebnisse zu erzielen, insbesondere für Ihr Haar. Wenn Sie bei Amyla Cosmetics bestellen, gehen Sie gehen Sie kein Risiko ein. Wenn Sie nach 2 Monaten der Anwendung keine Ergebnisse sehen, erhalten Sie den vollen Betrag zurück.
6 einfache Schritte für schnelle Ergebnisse
1. Make sure the scalp is dry
2. Put 1ml into the pipette
3. Apply to the dry scalp, especially the sparse parts
4. Massage the scalp for about 1 minute
5. Dry naturally (takes about 2 minutes)
6. Watch your hair grow faster after just a few days !
Bestellen Sie noch heute Ihr spezielles natürliches Serum für schwarzes Haar und erhalten Sie es:
- ✅ A bottle of 100% natural serum to grow your hair
- ✅ Free delivery all over the world
- ✅ Satisfied or refunded guarantee
- ✅ Secure payment with Paypal or credit card